Keg Cup Highlights: Adult Hockey Action at The Patriot Ice Center

The Keg Cup, held from May 3-5 at The Patriot Ice Center in Newark, DE, brought together adult hockey teams for a thrilling weekend of competition. This unique tournament showcased not just the skills but also the spirited camaraderie of adult players.

Division B Championship The Division B final was a dramatic showdown, with Hitchen's House clinching a 6-5 victory over the Frogs in overtime. This intense match saw both teams display remarkable resilience and skill, pushing the game beyond regular time and offering fans a spectacular finish.

Division C Championship In the Division C championship, the Space Cadets secured a decisive 6-2 win against the Zombies. Demonstrating superior strategy, the Space Cadets capitalized on their opportunities, with their 24 shots on goal outpacing the 19 from the Zombies, leading to a well-earned victory.

Division D Championship The Yetis triumphed over the Stars in the Division D final, with a final score of 6-4. The match highlighted the Yetis' effective teamwork and strategic execution, allowing them to overcome the strong challenge posed by the Stars.

The Keg Cup provided a fantastic platform for adult hockey enthusiasts to demonstrate their prowess and enjoy a weekend of high-spirited competition. Each game celebrated the enduring passion for hockey, emphasizing the fun and camaraderie that comes with the sport.

Keg Cup Champions